Cost of data

Below is the average cost of 1GB of mobile data globally:

???????? Israel: $0.04
???????? Italy: $0.12
???????? India: $0.17
???????? France: $0.23
???????? Uruguay: $0.27
???????? Bangladesh: $0.32
???????? Pakistan: $0.36
???????? Turkey: $0.39
???????? China: $0.41
???????? Denmark: $0.43
???????? Malaysia: $0.45
???????? Indonesia: $0.46
???????? Russia: $0.48
???????? Colombia: $0.49
???????? Australia: $0.57
???????? Spain: $0.60
???????? Nigeria: $0.71
???????? Brazil: $0.74
???????? UK: $0.79
???????? Austria: $0.94
???????? Iceland: $1.01
???????? Estonia: $1.20
???????? Argentina: $1.48
???????? Saudi Arabia: $1.52
???????? Sweden: $1.88
???????? Netherlands: $1.90
???????? South Africa: $2.04
???????? Venezuela: $2.22
???????? Germany: $2.67
???????? Mexico: $2.89
???????? Portugal: $3.67
???????? Japan: $3.85
???????? Norway: $4.44
???????? USA: $5.62
???????? Canada: $5.94
???????? Finland: $6.01
???????? Switzerland: $7.37
???????? South Korea: $12.55
???????? Falkland Islands: $38.45

Below is the number of individuals using the Internet (% of population):

???????? Eritrea: 1
???????? Somalia: 2
???????? Uganda: 6
???????? South Sudan: 7
???????? Niger: 10
???????? Ethiopia: 17
???????? Bangladesh: 25
???????? Pakistan: 25
???????? Kenya: 30
???????? Nigeria: 36
???????? India: 43
???????? Venezuela: 62
???????? Indonesia: 62
???????? Fiji: 69
???????? South Africa: 70
???????? Egypt: 72
???????? Mexico: 72
???????? China: 73
???????? Italy: 75
???????? Iran: 79
???????? Brazil: 81
???????? Turkey: 81
???????? France: 86
???????? Argentina: 87
???????? Russia: 88
???????? Australia: 90
???????? Japan: 90
???????? USA: 91
???????? Germany: 91
???????? Canada: 92
???????? Austria: 93
???????? Finland: 93
???????? Spain: 94
???????? UK: 95
???????? Switzerland: 96
???????? South Korea: 98
???????? Denmark: 99
???????? Norway: 99
???????? Iceland: 100
???????? UAE: 100
???????? Saudi Arabia: 100

Below are 15 African countries with the cheapest average prices of mobile data, according to Statista.

Sudan: 1 gigabyte data costs $0.27.
Algeria: 1 gigabyte data costs $0.51.
Somalia: 1 gigabyte data costs $0.60
Ghana: 1 gigabyte data costs $0.66.
Libya: 1 gigabyte data costs $0.74.
Tanzania: 1 gigabyte data costs $0.75.
Mauritius: 1 gigabyte data costs $0.75.
Nigeria: 1 gigabyte data costs $0.88.
Morocco: 1 gigabyte data costs $0.88.
Cameroon: 1 gigabyte data costs $0.90.
Senegal: 1 gigabyte data costs $0.94.
Egypt: 1 gigabyte data costs $1.04.
Tunisia: 1 gigabyte data costs $1.09.
Djibouti: 1 gigabyte data costs $1.12.
Zambia: 1 gigabyte data costs $1.13.

Average cost of 1GB of mobile data worldwide
Global cost of data- iykanthony

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