Why Are Father’s unappreciated?

Fathers are the most unappreciated people.

First off, acknowledging a father’s role does not take away the fact that mothers are amazing humans.

I know pregnancy is not easy and mothers takes care of the baby in her womb. But check nau, the father provides for the mother and the baby in her womb.

Fathers do quite a lot, their role is that of a provider, mentor, and the go-to person when something is wrong.

When you were little, you learn right and wrong from your daddy. Mom and kids go to daddy for support and only daddy gets blamed when finances are poor.

As kids, when someone older looks for our trouble, we will threaten to call our father cos we believed our father is the strongest man in the world ????????.


We’ve had 3 mothers day celebrations this year and lots of people bought gifts for their mothers, some mothers got car gifts sef.

Today is fathers day but as always fathers won’t get that kind of love. Lots of people don’t even know that today is fathers day. So why are fathers not appreciated ?????

If you are lucky to still have your dad around, please don’t just send wishes, spend quality time with him this fathers day. And if possible, please buy him a gift, no matter how little. It could be fruits, ice cream, shawarma or whatever.

Anyways Happy Fathers Day to all Men of good will around the world. Sending love & warm wishes to all the dads out there who go above & beyond for their kids and families ❤️.

#iykbethany #iykAnthony #iykanthonyfoundation

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